How to Restart your Router by Software

Firstly , There is more than one method to Restart the Router , here i explain some of these methods.
Restarting Router by Software control
  1. By Web Interface Method
  2. By Manual Telnet Method
  3. Using Software to Automate Telnet Method
By Web Interface Method

i. Open the browser and type the url (I assume your Router IP address is which is the case by default , however it may be different if you change it)
ii. Type username admin and password admin in login window. (Note , User name and Passwords may be different for different routers )
The Default user name in most cases is admin or root
The Default password in most cases is also admin or root
iii. Goto a menu called Tools / System Commands and Press the Reboot Button (The User Interface may be different , but the Restart button will definetly be there)
iv.Your Router will now Restart itself.

Using Manual Telnet Method

You can Restart your Router using Software by using Telnet
Following are the steps for this method:
goto Start -> Run -> and type Telnet
you will find a Telnet Window as shown
type “o ” , ofcourse without Quotes
Note: The Default Router IP Address is , if you have changed the default router IP address , then you have to enter that value
Now if you are successful , your telnet window will prompt for User name and password
The Default user name in most cases is admin or root
The Default password in most cases is also admin or root
once , you login successfully, you can enter commands to the router.
The most Common command to Restart the Router is “REBOOT” ,
however if it does not work , you can get help from router by typing “help” or “?”. That will contain any command synonmyous to “reboot” command.

Using Software to Automate Telnet Method

There are many free softwares available to Restart your Router by utilizing the Automatizing the manual Telnet Method.
One Such Software is WinRouter Restarter , using which you can automatically restart your router at an scheduled time and also contains additional functionality to shutdown your system also at specified time.

Download Link for WinRouter Restarter (freeware)

WinRouter Restarter


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